I haven't posted for awhile, but due to the fact that the FDA has shut down the website www.everythingessential.me for the time being, I had some questions arise. This way they will be answered in writing to refer to as needed. This is just brief and basic. They are handy dandy tricks to file away in the brain. Questions? Let me know. I will address diffusing oils another day. I am not an MD, just a mom, so don't sue me if things go south for any reason LOL. Good luck!
Ear Aches-Basil essential oil rubbed around the ear and down the Eustachian tube on the neck. You may carefully (double and triple check the oil you have in your bottle to make sure you are getting the right oil) put one drop on a cotton ball and insert into the ear. A friend of mine swears by lavender, it's never worked for me where basil has, but your kids may be different. Do not ever put any oil directly in the ear canal. Ever. No matter what anyone tells you. I have used ASAP silver solution in the ear after an ear drum rupture on the advice of my MD. Take one tsp ASAP silver solution twice a day internally for overall infection help. Onion juice. There may come a day when we can't use essential oils or don't have access to them. Grate the onion and use the juice drops. My friend who is an herbalist used this on all of her 8 kids every time they had an ear infection. She amazed her Pediatrician when her son became antibiotic resistant by fixing his ear infection quickly with just onion juice. I've heard other stories from moms in our Co-op that onion juice works awesome on their screaming kids in the middle of the night.
Coughs-Raw honey and coconut oil. I use about 1 tsp of each. Works like magic when my kids wake up coughing and can't get back to sleep. Raw honey is what is now commonly used for kids over one since we are not to use cough syrup on young kids anymore. (do not feed honey to kids under one). Honey is antibacterial and the enzymes are still intact if you keep it raw. Coconut oil is antiviral, anti-fugal and antibacterial. Also, put Breathe on the bottom of the foot or Vick's Vapor Rub. It is the menthol and eucalyptus that works. Magic! Especially when we can get back to sleep quickly for some shut-eye.
During the day-
Healing Tea: Herbal Tea make as directed (chamomile, peppermint, whatever), 1 TBS-2TBS raw apple cider vinegar (yes, use the raw kind), 1 lemon slice, 1-2 tsp honey. Drink as needed
(I use this for PMS days, bad days, sick days, low energy days, etc. It's a great comfort thing and a energy pick me up). Melissa Chappelle is to thank for this beautiful gift of an all purpose elixir.
Croup-Go outside NOW! Get to the coldest spot you can find. Get in the car and drive with the windows down. If it is summer, open your freezer and stick your head in. Sleep with the windows open, especially in winter. Croup is laryngitis in kids, that's why the throat doesn't usually hurt. Their trachea's are smaller, about the diameter of a straw, and the swelling of the larynx adds more pressure. Some kids get it a lot, some kids not at all. It is not bronchitis. Bronchitis is RSV in kids and that is different and is even more dangerous. Follow protocol below for the throat area for croup. Some say steamy showers. Heat is not good, and you will have a long night just sitting in a hot room with steam. Really, the cold is what is THE most effective and a cool steam humidifier. If your kids are blue and or there is mucous too, get to the ER. They may need an inhaler. However, I drove to the ER one terrifying night, just to have the doctor tell me that 95% of the time the kid's oxygen levels are fine (even if they seem to be struggling), and if I have the windows down and heater off most likely the event will end itself before I even make it to the ER next time. He seemed bored with me. I always treat it at home now even if that means a drive up the canyon, sleeping with windows open in the dead of winter, or spending a half hour on my porch looking at the stars with a blanket and coats on (unless there is mucous or blue lips, but we've never had that. And yes, I do have one friend who's son was so bad he did have low oxygen levels...so use your best judgement. I also make my kids stick one drop of Tea Tree oil on their tongues 3 times a day. Mean, uh huh, but it also works for my friend's sister who has 6 kids. I always resort to the Tea Tree about day 3 of croup, get results, and always regret not just starting with it on day one. Then drink homemade lemonade made with real lemons and honey.
Sore Throat-1 Tsp ASAP silver solution twice a day. It is antibacterial, antiviral and tasteless. This brand leaves the body quickly and is awesome. Do not be scared by blue people you see on the internet drinking gallons of homemade silver solutions a day.
If it seems like the wicked strep throat: I also do one drop of Protection (on Guard from DoTerra) or Tea Tree Oil on the tongue then give my kids one TBS coconut oil. They hate it, but we've never had to use an antibiotic. I also (please use caution with this) do: 3 drops Protection (OnGuard), two drops Oregano, and two drops Thyme oil in a gelatin capsule with liquid coconut oil taken internally for my husband and myself. Do the healing tea for coughs. A friend who is an herbalist uses cayenne powder too in her healing teas. The only thing I buy from DoTerra is sometimes the OnGuard cough drops. I don't normally do it because of all the sugar in them, but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do for a stubborn certain somebody.
Fever-Simple rain drop therapy. Have the sick person lay on the floor on a towel. Put lots of coconut oil on the spine from the base of the neck down. Put one drop of each "hot oil" (Fighting infections and viruses are what the hot oils are for, so please use the technique, but be careful) on the base of the neck then make small figure eights up and down the spine with your fingers between the vertebrae down to the tail bone. I use the following oils (making the small figure eights in between each different kind of oil before using another oil): Oregano, Thyme, Protection, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Basil, Lemon, and Lavender. My kids ask me to do this for them now. And yes, you do smell like an Italian restaurant after. Stay hydrated with coconut water. Drink regular water too. For the day when we don't have essential oils: make yarrow tea and be as aggressive with the treatment as the fever is with you.
Stinging Nettle, bug bites and stings: Frankincense. I cannot speak highly enough about frankincense and rose oil. I have tried other oil like purify on my kids. Nope....nada. Frankincense is fast and effective. Even faster than benadryl cream. You can apply frankincense neat, no carrier oil needed. Apply it before you see a reaction. Just do it. Also, mud or Redmond Clay. Takes the stinger out and brings the swelling down. Apply and leave on until it dries. Ice helps. For the days when we don't have essential oils, or even when you do, get to know what plantain looks like in your yard. Grab some, chew it up, plop it on, grab some mud and plop it on. Then, when you can get to your blender blend plantain with water to make a poultice and leave on until it dries or just use you mouth as your blender if you don't have electricity. Wash stinging nettle off with COLD water (as in in the river or ditch ASAP). Nettle is not as mean as poison ivy and most times just washing it off good with COLD water will make it stop reacting. Then apply frankincense or rose essential oil with coconut oil.
Rashes-Oatmeal baths with lavender. 1 cup oatmeal in a cool bath with a couple of drops of lavender (and or Rose oil). Coconut oil after the bath or real lard from the grocery store. And really, get to the root of the rash. If you or your kids have chronic eczema, you probably most likely have food allergies or environmental allergies. Find out what they are and just stop eating those foods and using those detergents and cosmetic items. Life is too short to be so miserable in your own skin.
Pink Eye-My daughter went to school less than 24 hours after waking up with a rip roaring case of pink eye just using ASAP silver solution. I just used a dropper and put 2 drops in each eye 3 times a day. It doesn't hurt. I was floored, but not surprised because silver solution is already in eye drops you get for pink eye from the doctor. Silver solution is also in prepackaged bandaging materials used for MRSA patients from the doctor. Just food for thought. Also, for babies, breast milk works! If you are nursing just rub it in their eye. Breast milk works for newborn rash too. I know from experience. It's free and miraculous.
Teething-Clove oil with coconut oil. Rub on gums as needed. I also put an amber necklace on my babies. I do not suggest using wintergreen oil. It is just too controversial for babies. Also, freeze a wet rag and let them gnaw away. It is a complete old wives tale that teething causes fevers. This is even coming from someone who WANTS to believe in old wives tales. If your baby has a fever, find the cause or treat like a fever and or infection. It is almost always a low grade ear infection or a viral tummy issue.
Tummy Issues-1 tsp baking soda in water. DoTerra has Digest Zen, I've rarely used it. I've heard mixed reviews about it. If it is viral or food poisoning: stay hydrated with coconut water (the sugars in Gatorade and power drinks make it worse), use a drop of peppermint oil (unless pregnant or nursing) on the tongue, and drink water like a spazz. Real ginger ale works great. I buy the Zevia brand without sugar at the health food store. I also make real ginger plant. I have the micro-organism that makes real ginger ale from Ireland. It's kinda like the good pro-biotics in yogurt, but even better for your body. Love that stuff!!! It's delicious!!! Avocados, bananas and toast when you can start eating. one drop of peppermint on the tongue.
Diarrhea-1 tsp psyllium powder. It can be found in the bulk section at the health food store. Mix up and drink quickly. It is made from corn husks and will gel like jello quickly. Do this up to 3 times a day. Then follow the dehydration info above. And, really, if this is a chronic issue, get to the root of it. Many modern medications cause this issue. Also, food allergies often manifest with this symptom especially dairy and wheat.
Warts-I got rid of one huge ginormous wart on my foot when I was pregnant and one huge ginormous plantar wart on my youngest son using Protection oil (DoTerra OnGuard), Oregano oil and coconut oil. I put it on twice a day for about a month. To be honest, I wasn't even religious about the twice a day thing, and even at the end forgot quite a few days and they still went away. It was truly truly amazing, and gross, and fascinating at the same time.
Constipation-Applesauce. This should NEVER be a chronic issue. Eat lots of fruits, veggies, and real foods, drink enough water and exercise. See a Chiropractor, seriously. An adjustment can get things moving along nicely if you have some adjustment issues in your lower spinal area (if you are eating well and healthy and have this issue). Even when you are pregnant, a Chiropractor can help with this issue. I know this first hand. Chronic problems with diet can lead to really painful things like diverticulitis and colon paralyses. I've never had those problems, but I've heard it's miserable from someone who has. Again, just address it with your diet. Life is too short to be told over and over by your doctor to just eat healthy. Just do it already. And, finding a good Chiropractor you love can be life changing. On many many levels for many many reasons.
For Sinus Infections-Tea Tree Oil (Melalueca) rubbed over the sinus area. I can actually feel it tingling and taking the pressure and pain away. Don't get it in your eyes!
For headaches: Lavender and Peppermint. Use lots of coconut oil and don't get it in your eyes!
Over all Stay Well Things: I have an AWESOME doctor's office and Chiropractor too that tells me every well child visit, "Keep your kids away from sugar!" and they drill it into my kids (ONE of the consequences of sugar hell is sick kids), homemade goat milk kefir (Kefir has more probiotics than yogurt. Store bought brands of yogurt and kefir can have lots of sugar in them), make enough sleep a priority for your kids and regular bedtimes, EAT TO STAY HEALTHY it's amazing just how often food can be the prescription: lots of greens, veggies, green smoothies with greens and a few berries, whole grains, and cultured veggies (my kids love to eat these and make them), find out the root of you main health problems and address the real causes, find out food and environmental triggers for asthma and skin problems and avoid those things, cow milk is for baby cows, exercise and fresh air even in the winter, get enough vitamin D, and Protection (OnGuard) or frankincense (or Purify, but that makes me achy) on the feet everyday with coconut oil. Look up: www.greensmoothiegirl.com Robyn Openshaw is s wealth of knowledge. She is an amazing person to be around and walks the walk.
MRSA and cellulitis-Oregano oil and ASAP silver solution and Protection (OnGuard) essential oils. Use them topically with coconut oil AND take internally up to 3 or 4 times a day. I heard a first hand account of it saving a leg when the doctors had given up on all antibiotics. The guy was in the hospital and a close friend of mine who is an herbalist helped him. She was grateful.